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Obsolete Paper Money, 1782 to 1866 - Hardcover

Item #: 31728
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Q. David Bowers
  • ISBN: 0794822037
  • Pub Date: 10/31/2006 Edition: 1st
  • Binding: Hardcover Size: 8 3/4 x 11 1/4 x 1 1/4 Pages: 608
Price: $54.56
    Points to Purchase:2183
    You Save: $15.39 (22.0%)
    The product is in stock Availability: Out of Stock
    Usually ships In 2 - 4 Weeks

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    "Award-winning author and historian Q. David Bowers explores the fascinating world of "Obsolete Currency" - the colorful, ornate paper money that first circulated in the 13 colonies, and served American Commerce up through the Civil War. In 21 chapters rich with full-color illustrations, Bowers takes the reader on an in-depth look at the paper money that witnessed so much history: the birth of states, the War of 1812, financial panics, inspiring westward expansion, the devastating war between North and South." - Whitman Publishing

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